Saturday, March 16, 2013

Yea! It's Spring Break, Y'all!!

*Just found a great nail polish tip on "Madtown Macs" Blog, from July, 2012.  See below:
Madtown Macs

SUNDAY, JULY 01, 2012

Perfect Polish Every Time!

Let's talk toes.
I've been using this 
trick for awhile and thought 
I'd share.

...a cuticle stick, a Q-Tip, 
and greasy lotion.


Put some lotion onto a Q-Tip

Wipe it around your nail, 
being careful to not 
get it ON your nail. The 
polish won't stick to 
wherever the lotion is.

Use the cuticle stick to wipe 
away the extra.
That's all it takes! Plus,                                                                          after your polish is dry 
rub in the lotion and it 
helps those dry cuticles! 

Hope this little trick helps!

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